Breaking the mould: Redefining gender in medical education in India
The role of gender as a social determinant of health is widely studied and accepted in global and national contexts alike. A key area of concern has been the inadequate and inaccurate representation of gender in contemporary medicine. Collective reviews of popular undergraduate medical textbooks in India have deemed the content as, at best, gender-blind and, at worst, gender-biased. Yet, largescale change towards engendering medical education is still awaited. This article attempts t
Surbhi Shrivastava, Sangeeta Rege
10 Mar 2021
Mistreatment of women in the labour rooms of India: A call to action
There is mounting evidence, globally and in India, of mistreatment of women at the time of childbirthin health facilities. Women in labour are beaten, slapped, physically restrained, verbally abused and humiliated by healthcare providers.
Durga Vernekar, Sangeeta Rege
01 Feb 2020
Medico Friend Circle Bulletin
Integrating gender perspectives in gynecology and obstetrics: Engaging medical colleges in Maharashtra, India
Failure to acknowledge the impact of sex and gender differences affects the quality of health care provision, and is an impediment to reducing health inequities. Systematic efforts were initiated in Maharashtra, India for reducing these disparities by developing gender-integrated curricula in undergraduate (UG) medical education between 2015 and 2018. A review of UG obstetrics and gynecology curricula indicated a lack of gender lens and focus on the reproductive rights of women. Based on these g
Sangeeta Rege, Padma Bhate-Deosthali,
01 May 2019
International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics, 2019; 145: 253–257, PDF at Wiley Online.
Child Abuse and Neglect by Parents and Other Caregivers
Child abuse has for a long time been recorded in literature, art and science in many parts of the world. Reports of infanticide, mutilation, abandonment and other forms of violence against children date back to ancient civilizations (1). The historical record is also filled with reports of unkempt, weak and malnourished children cast out by families to fend for themselves and of children who have been sexually abused.
01 Jan 2015
World Health Organization (WHO)
Research on Domestic Violence Against Children Aged 0-8 Years in Turkey
Research on Domestic Violence Against Children Aged 0-8 Years in Turkey
Violence that children suffer has many negative impacts on their lives. Circumstances of neglect that emerge when a child’s health, educational, emotional development, nutrition and sheltering needs are overlooked is an aspect of violence against the child frequently overlooked despite its importance. Neglect means not only failing to respond to the physical, cognitive, emotional and social development needs of the child bu
Aile Cocuk Siddet
01 May 2014
Aile Cocuk Siddet
Links Between Childhood Physical Abuse and Intimate Partner Aggression: The Mediating Role of Anger Expression
Research linking childhood physical abuse (CPA) and adult intimate partner aggression (IPA) has focused on individuals without sufficient attention to couple processes. In this study, 109 couples reported on histories of CPA, IPA, and anger expression. Actor–partner interdependence model (APIM) was used to examine links between CPA and revictimization and perpetration of IPA, with anger suppression as a potential mediator. Women’s CPA histories were associated with more physical aggression towar
Eleni Maneta, Shiri Cohen,
03 Nov 2012
Springer Publishing Company